Thursday, October 31, 2019
Description of the Business Report Parts Assignment
Description of the Business Report Parts - Assignment Example This entails the problem that is going to be solved, how the problem will be solved, what exactly will be provided in solving the problem, whether the project can deliver the stipulated promises, the benefits of the project when it will be completed and the cost to be involved in the entire work. The sections that need to be included in a proposal for a student report include the problem identified in the problem, the feasibility, the audience the project targets, topics the project investigates, the method to be utilized, the resources and facilities available, the work schedule of the project and the action plan of the project proposal. Progress reports should essentially tell what youââ¬â¢ve done, why itââ¬â¢s important, and what the next steps are i.e. the chronology, task, and recommendation. They can also be used to enhance your image, float trial balloons and minimize potential problems. Make your progress report as positive as you honestly can. Using capitalization when searching for web pages is a major issue. It is always important to uncapitalize words when searching for information, use quotations marks for exact terms and use root words in finding variations of information. A survey is a study that is conducted on a large group of people referred to as subjects or respondents. A questionnaire is a list of questions that people fill and an interview is a structured conversation with someone who will be able to provide useful information for a study. In a random sample, each person in the population of the study theoretically has an equal chance of being chosen to take part in the study. Inconvenience sample only a group of respondents are targeted and will be easy to get. Judgmental sample entails a group of people whose views seem useful. The mean is the average figure you get when you add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers. The median is the middle value in the list of numbers and
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Pros of Therapeutic Cloning Essay Example for Free
The Pros of Therapeutic Cloning Essay Are you for or against human cloning? Before you answer this pertinent question, picture this. A loved one who is very dear to you is diagnosed with a serious disease such as muscular dystrophy, Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease, or even diabetes. If they could be treated, cured or have their life saved by stem cells or the results of cloning research, would that change your answer? Cloning can be defined as creating ââ¬Å"an identical copy of a plant or animal from the genetic material of a single organismâ⬠(Cloning). There are two main types of human cloning, reproductive and therapeutic. Reproductive human cloning would essentially produce entire, living human beings, whereas therapeutic cloning would only produce parts or pieces such as tissue samples or organs needed for transplantation. The major debate over cloning is an ethical one. Would a clone have the same rights as the original? Would cloning result in a new form of slavery? Personally, I am not sure what the answers to these questions are. But regardless, therapeutic cloning should be allowed because humans are not being created, only the components needed to heal ailing patients. One major issue in regards to the cloning debate is the conjoining of the two separate types of cloning. The public sees cloning as the creation of a belated twin, which actually only describes reproductive cloning. When most people think about cloning they picture a mad scientist creating faux people in some dank, secret laboratory. In reality, this is about as far from the truth as one can get. Medical science is very far from creating actual people. However, we are much closer to discovering the necessary technology for producing cells and tissue samples essential for the treating, and possibly curing, of many debilitating diseases. Stem cell research is a major part of indispensable advances in therapeutic cloning. ââ¬Å"Stem cells are useful because of their ability to become other cell typesâ⬠¦Embryonic stem (ES) cells, however, have a much greater developmental potential [than Adult stem cells] and can be coaxed to give rise to nearly every cell typeâ⬠(Davies, Fairchild, and Silk). Stem cells can be used to start established cell lines, from which multiple different cell types can be grown. This technology could be utilized majorly for replacement tissue growth, which is crucial to the treatment of diseases such as Parkinsonââ¬â¢s, multiple sclerosis, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is more commonly referred to as Lou Gehrigââ¬â¢s disease. Therapeutic cloning is not nearly as complicated as some people make it out to be. According to Kevin Bonsor and Cristen Conger on the How Stuff Works website, which is a Discovery Channel company, therapeutic cloning involves a serious of steps. DNA is extracted from a sick person. The DNA is then inserted into an enucleated donor egg [an egg with the nucleus removed]. The egg then divides like a typical fertilized egg and forms an embryo. Stem cells are removed from the embryo. Any kind of tissue or organ can be grown from these stem cells to treat various ailments and diseases. Using this process, healthy organs can be grown to replace damaged ones, or new skin can be produced to graft onto a burn victim. Furthermore, neurons can be grown to help treat patients with Alzheimerââ¬â¢s, Parkinsonââ¬â¢s, or other neurological ailments. Therapeutic cloning is referred to in the field as nuclear transportation or, more specifically, somatic cell nuclear transfer. According to an article written by Chan et al. in 2008, scientists conducted a study to learn whether or not they could treat Parkinsonââ¬â¢s in mice and it began with the ââ¬Å"derivation of 187 ntES [(nuclear transfer Embryonic Stem)] cell lines from twenty four parkinsonian mice. â⬠Based on the information found in this study it is reasonable to say that, using therapeutic cloning, we may be able to treat Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease in mice (Chan et al. ). Taking that into account, it is hardly a far stretch until medical experts are capable of treating human sufferers of Parkinsonââ¬â¢s. Furthermore, this study alone should be proof enough that research into therapeutic cloning is not only ethical, but necessary. Gregg Wasson was a distinguished law practitioner, and his fiancee, Ann Campbell, an author of childrenââ¬â¢s books. That is, until they were both diagnosed with Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease and their careers were ended by their impending dementia. Somehow, with help from the twenty five odd medications he take every day, Gregg managed to testify on behalf of the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR) in front of the U. S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. With medicine where it is right now, this man is required to spend around $11,000 every year on his medication, and continue to medicate every three hours. Furthermore, ââ¬Å"Parkinsonââ¬â¢s medications become less effective over timeâ⬠, so eventually his medications will no longer accomplish their job and he will slowly die (Therapeutic). If the government were to put a ban on therapeutic cloning, this would be the life that millions of Americans would be condemned to. However, if research is allowed to continue, we could someday be able to help these people, or even cure them. In the words of Gerald Ford, the thirty-eighth president of the United States of America, reproductive cloning would be ââ¬Å"a perversion of scienceâ⬠. On the other hand, however, he argues that therapeutic cloning is anything but. In 2002, around the time of Fordââ¬â¢s eighty-ninth birthday, a bill was put before Congress that would ban not only reproductive cloning, but therapeutic as well. The late President Ford said that therapeutic cloning is ââ¬Å"a very different branch of science that holds limitless potential to improve or extend life for 130 million Americans now suffering from chronic or debilitating conditions. He felt that all of these people deserved the best possible care that science and medicine could possibly produce, and banning therapeutic cloning would hinder advancement toward this goal significantly (Ford). The absolute epitome of the opposition to cloning is that people should not have the power to create people. This resistance does not apply here since I am only in favor of therapeutic cloning. Some may say that growing human tissue is equally as immoral as creating entire humans, to which I reply, is taking a biopsy equally as immoral as committing murder? Others may say that cloning is a boldfaced violation of the Nuremburg code. I feel that this does not even remotely apply, since the code says, in laymanââ¬â¢s terms, that it is wrong to initiate experimentation on a human subject when it is known that the outcome may be serious pain, injury, or death. ââ¬Å"People have been cloning plants for thousands of yearsâ⬠¦Many common fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants are produced in this way from parent plant with especially desirable characteristicsâ⬠(Cloning). Why, then, are people so opposed to it now? Fear of the unknown begets anger and opposition. Society has no idea what may come of cloning or stem cell research, so they wholeheartedly combat them. A number of people believe they do know will happen, and their ideas are often incredible stretches of the imagination. In my opinion, the worst possible outcome of therapeutic cloning would be to discover that some conditions and diseases are actually irreversible or incurable.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Elites in Representative Democracy
Elites in Representative Democracy Living Political Ideas Representative democracies will always need elites, Discuss. A Representative democracy is a form of government which is based on the principles of representatives who have been selected by the people; it can be argued that representative democracies will always need elites. This essay will firstly examine the notion of Representative Democracies in order to gain an understanding of its key components using the political ideas of both Edmund Burke and James Madison who were both in favour of Representative democracy. Elitism is a theory which emphasises the importance of a small elite group amongst society, links between Elitism theory and democracy will be analysed using the ideas of various Elite theorists. It can be argued that even though representative democracies aim to take into account the opinions and views of the majority this isnââ¬â¢t necessary the case since only a minority of society choose to participate in the political process. To conclude this essay, theories of populism will be discussed and also the argument that globali sation has aided in creating a greater number of elites in representative democracies. Representative Democracies are ones in which citizens within a country elect representatives to make decisions for them. Elections must be free and fair and the political party which receives the majority of votes forms the government[1]. The political theorist Edmund Burke supported the notion of representative democracy but saw the title ââ¬Ërepresentativeââ¬â¢ as depending on how much members of the public were able to rely on their representatives[2]. According to Burke, ââ¬Å"your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinionâ⬠[3]. As with Burke, James Madison gave support towards the rationales of representative democracy. According to Madison public views and opinions can be refined and enlarged when passed through a body of elected citizens. Madison also argued that Representative government forces elections themselves to provide a clarification of public issues, and t hose able to withstand the election process are likely to be able to represent the true interests of all citizens[4]. Elite theorists argue that individuals who are considered objectively superior to others should hold more superior positions within society[5]. Elitists believe that society comprises of three different types of people; firstly there is a supreme all-seeing leader who possesses unrivalled authority and secondly, there isââ¬Ëwarriorââ¬â¢ elite who is distinguished by its capacity for self-sacrifice. Finally, there are the masses that are weak and ignorant, their destiny is simply obedience[6]. According to Elitist theorist Mosca, modern elites have superior organisational skills which were necessary in gaining political power; he also asserted that all forms of social organization would be impossible without a ruling class[7]. Mosca states that: ââ¬Å"Those who hold and exercise State Power are always a minority, and that below them lies a numerous class of people who never participate in real terms in government are subject to the will of the former; we may call them the ruledâ⬠[8]. Elite theorist Michelââ¬â¢s goes even through by suggesting the inevitability of elite rule as the ââ¬Å"iron law of oligarchyâ⬠. According to this democracy is paradoxical and therefore impossible since democracy cannot exist without organisation and organisation requires elites. The ââ¬ËIron Law of Oligarchyââ¬â¢, asserts that real democracy is unable to exist without becoming an oligarchy, an oligarchy is a form of government in which all power is vested in a few dominant individuals[9]. The two key classical elite theorists Mosca and Pareto differ in their view of which resources elites utilise, but both agree that the state and the civil society are characterised by an inevitable division of power between elites and the masses. Mosca sees elites to possess various organisational skills; elite theorist Pareto is more militant concerning the physical and mental strength which determine their suitability for government[10]. It can be argued that in any Representative Democracy, elites will still be present. The United Kingdom is a Representative Democracy this is because all citizens over the age of 18 are able to vote and the political party which receives the most amounts of votes is elected[11]. Regardless of this though the United Kingdom has extremely low levels of turnout and research has shown that itââ¬â¢s often those with higher levels of education and income are more likely to turnout than there less affluent counterparts. This therefore demonstrates the ideas put forward by Elite theorist since in a Representative Democracy only a small number of the electorate are having their opinions accounted for and those that are participating are likely to be considered members of an affluent elite within society. According to Manin, Elites do still play a role in Representative Democracy. This is because people are selected based upon uncommon characteristics which are valued by voters. Voters select these distinctive qualities that they would like to see in their representatives. These qualities vary from a variety of things for example their uncommon ability to articulate and promote a particular political opinion[12]. Therefore the notion of elites is still evident since these people possess a particular talent or characteristic that most people sharing that opinion do not also possess. Manin also states that even though individuals may recognise the importance of elites they do not necessarily support the theory of Elitism[13] Opposed to Elitism is the theory of Populism; populism emphasisââ¬â¢s the belief that the instincts and wishes of the majority provide the principal legitimate guide to political action. Movements or parties described as populist have been characterized by their claim to support the common people in the face of corrupt economic or political elites[14]. Populism is a democratic system whereby politicians make a direct appeal to the people and will claim to give expression to their deepest hopes and fears and all intermediate institutions are often distrusted[15]. This therefore demonstrating alternative approaches which believe the opinions of the people should be considered before taking any form of political action. It can be argued that within the era of globalisation new elites have become one of the consequences of representative democracy. Globalization has seen the increasing ability of corporations to expand across borders. Globalization is a process which has been engineered by corporate elites; governments have helped this process by taking incremental policy action which was implemented in secret without national debate and discussion. For example, In Europe, polls have shown a persistent majority opposed to the introduction of the Euro, but since powerful elite supports it the plans move forward[16]. According to Herman, ââ¬Å"Globalization has also steadily weakened democracy, partly as a result of unplanned effects, but also because the containment of labour costs and scaling down of the welfare state has required the business minority to establish firm control of the state and remove its capacity to respond to the demands of the majority.â⬠[17]. To conclude, even though the principle aim of Representative Democracy is to ensure the views of the majority are been accounted for it can be argued that Elites are still prevalent. A Representative Democracy is one which is based upon the views and principles of representatives elected by citizens. Elite theorists argue that there is a group of individuals in society whose ideas and preferences are more superior to others, they see democracy as a temporary phenomenon which will morph into an oligarchy since it requires individuals with superior skills. In can be argued that even though Representative Democracies aim to include the opinions of every citizen only a small group of society chooses to participate in the political process and itââ¬â¢s often those from a more elite section of society. Theorists suggest that Elites are a positive aspect of Representative Democracy since citizens elect candidates who possess various characteristics which are appealing to those voting for example the ability to articulate various political principles, and are therefore necessary to a Representative Democracy. Globalisation is a process whereby corporations are able to operate across borders, it can be argued that such a process has harmed democracy since governments often take action without any national debate and discussion and in the process has created a group of Elites whose opinions are considered superior to those of the majority. Bibliography Eagles, M Johnston, L Holoman, C Johnson W L (2003) Politics, Broadview Press, Devon Faulks, K (1999) Political Sociology, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh Held, D (2006) Models of Democracy, Stanford University Press, Stanford Herman, S E (1999) The Threat of Globalisation, New Politics, Vol 7, No 2, Winter 1999, accessed 29th October 2008) Heywood, A (2003) Political Ideologies (3rd Edition) Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire Landermore, H (2008) Is Representative Democracy really Democratic?, Interview of Bernard Manin and Nadia Urbinati, New York, (accessed 29th October 2008) Lynch, D T Dicker, J T (1998) Handbook of Organization Theory and Management, Marcel Dicker, New York,C/Encyclopedia/Oligarchy.pdf (accessed 29th October 2008) (accessed 29th October 2008) 1 [1] [2] Lynch, T D Dicker, J D (1998) p. 191 [3] Burke cited in Eagles, M et al (2003) p. 195 [4] Held, D (2006) p.73 [5] Heywood, A (2003) p. 222 [6] Heywood, A (ibid) [7] Faulks, K (1999) p.39 [8] Faulks, K (ibid) [9],C/Encyclopedia/Oligarchy.pdf [10] Faulks, K (ibid) p.40 [11] (ibid) [12] Manin, B (2007) cited in Landermore, H (2008) [13] Manin, B (ibid) [14] Heywood, A (2003) p.301 [15] Heywood, A (ibid) [16] Herman, S (1999) [17] Herman, S (ibid)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Navigation :: Geography History Navigation Essays
Navigation Early Explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Magellan relied on landmarks for early navigation, which could result in serious miscalculations. Later explorers discovered they could use the stars as their primary choice for navigation. As technology increased the compass and sextant were used in navigation purposes. The needle of a compass always pointed north, while the sextant used adjustable mirrors to measure angles of the moon and stars. The sextant could only calculate latitude so a device called the chronometer was later invented by John Harrison to compute longitude. The sextant and chronometer were used together to compute measures of longitude and latitude. In the early 20th century many radio-based navigation systems were developed. However these radio based systems were either accurate or covered a large area of space, but not both. Scientists then decided that the only way to cover the entire world was to put high frequency radio systems in space, hence the id ea of GPS or global positioning systems was born. GPS was funded and founded by the Department of Defense. The Departmemet of Defense also controls GPS. The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978. The first ten satellites were called block I satellites. From 1989 to 1993, 23 production satellites called Block II were launched. The last satellite was launched in 1994 completing the system. From this point on with a GPS receiver costing only a few hundred dollars you could constantly learn your location on the planet. GPS is the only system available today that will tell someone their exact position on Earth at any given time in any type of weather. There are 24 satellites in all, which orbit about 11,000 nautical miles above the earth. The satellites are monitored by ground stations located around the world and can transmit signals that can be detected by anyone with a GPS receiver. Using this receiver you can determine your position on Earth with great accuracy. GPS satellites consist of 3 segments: space, control and user. The space segment consists of the 24 satellites in six orbital planes(four satellites in each plain). Each satellite repeats the same 12-hour orbit, but appears four minutes earlier each day. Each satellite orbits at 55 degrees in respect to the equatorial plane with a 12-hour period to orbit the earth.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Killer of Sheep
The movie entitled ââ¬Å"Killer of Sheepâ⬠by Charles Burnett in 1977 made a significant footprint in the movie world. Though it was a low-budgeted movie, it won the first prize at Berlin Festival in 1981. This movie is all about Stan and his family as they struggle their life with financial and emotional problems. Stand works in a slaughterhouse to make his family live. It is a simple yet attackable story because it shows reality in the society. Many of us work hard but less opportunities. The only thing that Stan felt happy is when he dances with his wife and hold his daughterââ¬â¢s hands.There are only six characters and one significant setting in the story, which means that the movie is an independent film. All the characters are connected with one another as they reveal their characterizations in the beginning of the story and donate their thoughts and perception of society as the movie ends. I can say that it is an advocacy film though it has no solution in the end. As it shows the life of many people like Stan and his family, the director depicts that present situation of the society that needs to be taken care of. The movie shows that Stan is already numb with his life as a slaughter because he knows that he could not able to give his family a better life. His wife is also a weak person who used to depend on Stan as the provider of the family, which made the movie more dramatic and realistic.As an audience, it is an eye-opener to the public of the situation and life of people during 1970s. It made me realize that people like Stan tried to be contented with their life as they anesthetized themselves from their situation to make their bodies work and think only for the betterment of their family even with no luxury and lesser necessities.Work CitedBurnett, Charles. Killer of Sheep. 1977.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Olmec,Maya,&Aztec are dominating societies of mesoameric essays
The Olmec,Maya,&Aztec are dominating societies of mesoameric essays The Olmec, Maya, and Aztec were dominating societies of Mesoamerica, rich in culture, community, and art. While life may not be completely interpretable yet, much in known about how these societies were constructed, and how their religion dominated their lives. Much is generally made of their massive stonework, their ceremonial complexes, and ritual sacrifices, but their small jade, ceramic, and stone sculpture deserves as much attention as the works of much larger size have received. The Olmec were thought to have set many of the patterns seen in later cultures throughout Mesoamerica.1 San Lorenzo, the oldest known Olmec building site, as of the time of the Britannica article, is known for its Colossal Stone Heads, all of which have prominent facial features. Las Bocas was excavated and many small jade figurines of people in the community were found. Some of these appear to have ritualistic purposes, judging by the incising noted on the sculpture. The Olmec culture spread northwest and southeast, and seemingly influenced later cultures in artistic endeavors2. The concept of sacrifice in Olmec art had ties to the belief of renewal; a birth-death scenario, where one is returned to the source - the underworld.3 Similar to monumental figures of men presenting children, wearing jaguar-baby masks, for sacrifice, human figures were sculpted in a much smaller scale, many of which are ceramic or polished jade (fig. 1). The Las Bocas site of the Olmec produced many small figurines that are thought to represent the people who lived there. These objects display Olmec symbols on their hairstyles or bodies, and because they were found at or near grave sites, these pieces are believed to have more purpose than simply the depiction of daily life.4 An example of this type of sculpture is of a man and woman embracing (fig. 2). The Wrestler figure is an example of Olmec sculpture that should be viewed from all ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Exxon Valdez Essays - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Oil Pollution Act
Exxon Valdez Essays - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Oil Pollution Act Exxon Valdez INTRODUCTION On March 24, 1989 at 4 minutes past midnight, the oil tanker ExxonValdez struck a reef in Alaska's breath-taking Prince William Sound. Instantaneously, the quiet waters of the sound became a sea of black. We've fetched up - ah - hard aground north of Goose Island off Bligh Reef, and - ah - evidently leaking some oil, Joseph Hazelwood, captain of the ship, radioed the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office back in Valdez. That some oil turned out to be a total of 11,000,000 gallons of crude oil leaking from the ruptured hull of the ship. By the time a containment effort was put forth, a weather storm had helped to spread the oil as much as three feet thick across 1,400 miles of beaches. A little over ten years have passed since the largest oil spill and the greatest environmental disaster in American history, but the waters and its surroundings are still recovering. At first, many people repeated what was then thought as common knowledge, oil dissipates, nature heals quickly, all will be well in a year or two. This has not been the case with the Exxon Valdez. This massive 987-foot tanker has left a lingering, long-term effect on the natural habitat that surrounds these pristine waters, along with an enormous socio-economic effect that has left many people wondering when and where the next oil spill will be. Many associated with the recovery process, and its more than one hundred projects per year, say it will take longer than a human lifetime to determine if a full recovery is possible (Fine 1999). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Exxon Valdez oil spill was initially thought of as a two to three year clean-up project. As time went ahead, scientists and clean-up crews realized that it would take a longer period of time and require a lot more effort than originally planned. Up to this point, the oil has contaminated a national forest, four wildlife refuges, three national parks, five state parks, four critical habitat areas and a state game sanctuary, which spreads along 1,400 miles of the Alaskan shoreline. Recent scientific studies show that the oil continues to wreak havoc among many spawning salmon, herring, and other species of fish. This is even more devastating when considering that much of the wildlife around the sound is dependant on the high calorie, high fat content of the herring as their prime food source. Among the many casualties were 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbour seals, 250 bald eagles, as many as 22 killer whales, and an estimated quarter-million seabirds. It is unclear how many billions of salmon and herring eggs and intertidal plants succumbed to the oil smothering. Within an ecosystem, each living thing depends on other living things. That means that when the fish died in Prince William Sound, there was less food for the seals that normally eat them. As those seals died, there was less food for the killer whales that eat seals (Knickerbocker 1999). This has led to a domino effect within the food chain, victimizing many of the animals surrounding the area. Intertidal mussel beds are still contaminated to this day. Twenty-three species of wildlife were effected by this oil spill, and only two species, the bald eagle and the river otter, have fully recovered. The species that are well on their way to a comeback include pink salmon, Pacific herring, sea otters, mussels, black oyster catcher, common murre, marbled murrelet, and sockeye salmon. As with any environmental disasters, there are some animals that are showing little or no clear improvement since the spill occurred. This group includes harbour seals, killer whales, harlequin ducks, common loons, cormorants, and the pigeon gullomot. In some areas, that have been hardest hit by the oil spill, many of the species have an elevated level of mortality. Even though the Exxon Valdez is the most-studied oil spill in world history, it is also a particularly difficult one to research because of the lack of baseline data on the ecology of Prince William Sound (Birkland 1998). Among all the animal casualties, there is another victim, people. Thousands have been forced to bare the consequences of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Throughout the years, the waters of Alaska have
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Lost Generation essays
The Lost Generation essays During World War I, many of the men who fought were only about nineteen years young. These men experienced horrors beyond belief in a matter of years, which is ten times worse than a normal man experiences his whole life. This generation of men, from 1914-1918, who fought in a great war and lived in constant fear of their last breathe, while we enjoy parties, the freedom of being a teenager, and able just to kick back and enjoy life at its prime. This is the lost generation. As tensions grew in Europe during the early twentieth century young teenagers throughout were going to grade school and enjoying life to its fullest. Little do these children know that in a matter of years they will be fighting in one of the most gruesome wars in history. While they were in school the leaders of Europe were contemplating the thought of war and forming alliances. Many people thought that if they went to war, it would be over and done with before they knew it. The people who said this were the lucky ones; they didn't have to fight in it. The kids who did fight in it didn't know what to expect. They were taken from their sheltered homes and thrown into unimaginable chaos. World War I should never have been fought. It was because of a royal family feud that caused millions of deaths. How would one feel if one saw their best friend blown up right before their very own eyes? These kids saw their comrades choke to death because of the fatal mustard gas. They saw friends get shot in the stomach and die slowly of excruciating pain. The dead bodies were innumerable and they had to face their enemy eye to eye and then kill them. These men starved and had to fight off giant rats. Most of these men died of a cause they did not know. If you look at The Gulf War back in 1991, any intelligent person would say how easily we won. We decimated Iraq in a few weeks for two reasons; because of top grade equipment and becaus ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Emerging Standards of Care Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Emerging Standards of Care Paper - Essay Example The organization is committed to associate effective research in order to render beneficial healthcare services to the people as well as to keep them more informed regarding the quality of the organizationââ¬â¢s healthcare services (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). The organization is further well-known for its holistic role in the healthcare service through providing an effective healthcare support to people in various categories including culturally, linguistically diverse groups of people as well as the people with limited English proficiency (LEP) across various regions of the world (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). The paper intends to define appropriate culturally competent care of AHRQ and identify the issue or vulnerability with regard to providing healthcare services for culturally diverse people. Furthermore, it will focus on identifying the affects towards delivery of nursing care in places where standards are being met and places whe re neglected. Culturally Competent Healthcare Service Culturally competent care can be recognized as an ability that the members of the organizations should have in terms of providing healthcare services to people from various cultures. ... healthcare services, AHRQ is considered as one of the major and leading healthcare organizations, which facilitates a range of healthcare plans for multi-ethnic members as well as develops the services for culturally and linguistically diverse people (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). In the context of enhancing healthcare services, the organization is significantly involving its medical specialties according to the age group and culturally diversified patients. Moreover, AHRQ is further committed to develop its cultural sensitivity in order to refine the services according to the cultural trends. The cultural competence aspect of any healthcare institution may not involve the same process of treatment with which the organization treats its patients in very basic and typical ways. It is significantly focused on delivering higher customer value and understanding the various ways of satisfying a patient within the clinic, communicating with the clients in order to ensu re the best potential outcome of the organization. With the huge and rapid growth related to diversification in the US, communities considerably compel the organizations to identify the increasing opportunities that are available in the country. Therefore, the caregivers of the organizations are highly focused and dedicated on the culture and linguistic behaviors of the communities in terms of providing healthcare facilities. The utmost effort and effective healthcare services of the members are significantly enhancing the culturally competent care of AHRQ in the growing market of the US healthcare industry (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). Served Population and Issues in the AHRQ AHRQ can also be considered as one of the three major organizations in terms of its position
Friday, October 18, 2019
American Constitution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
American Constitution - Research Paper Example The details of this amendment make it necessary for a search warrant to be issued before the personal life of any American citizen is subject to view. These search and arrest warrants also have to abide to certain requirements to make them plausible and usable. Not only do they require judicial approval but the warrant must also have a suitable cause initiating the search or arrest. Thus, these warrants are created according to the knowledge of a specific person, mostly a law enforcement officer, who have sworn to it and are therefore responsible and accountable for it to the issuing court. In 1885, the Murray v Hoboken land law determined that the fourth amendment applied only to criminal law and not any kind of civil law (Encyclopedia Britannica). The federal government then ensured that areas like narcotics were also included in the realm of criminal jurisdiction. However, the Supreme Court soon ruled that some searches and seizures were violating the Fourth Amendment despite the warrant carrying a probable cause and a limitation in scope (US Supreme Court 1967). Yet, at the same time the Court has also allowed innumerable seizures and searches to be carried out without any form of warrant, only because they feel a probable cause to exist that a criminal offense has been or is being committed (US Supreme Court 2004).This a clear portrayal of how the reasonableness and issuing of the warrant are often vastly different. The ACLA v NSA case relates back to the creation of a classified foreign intelligence program, now known as the Terrorist Surveillance Program. This agency could intercept international telephone and internet communications from numerous persons and organizations without needing to issue a warrant. The plaintiff in this legal case included, ACLA, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and Greenpeace along with five individuals who are authors and journalists. These included Christopher Hitchens, James Bamford, Tara McKelvey Larry Diamond: a democracy scholar of Stanford University and the Hoover Institution, and Barnett Rubin: an Afghanistan scholar of New York University. All these individuals claimed to have a history of communicating with people located inside or from the Middle East. They held the opinion based on a secure belief that their communications had been targeted by the TSP. This idea was because of the public kn owledge that had been attained by the workings of this program. ACLA v NSA was one of the first lawsuits produced that challenged the Terrorist Surveillance Program (Hibbits 2006). The District Court presented its own opinion. Judge Taylor wrote a forty-four page and eleven part opinion which was responsible for examining the defendant's claims over the part played by the NSA in this movement. It was discovered that according to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act the NSA violated that laws that had been decided. According to FISA, the Terrorist Surveillance Act was passed in 2006 through which President Bush gave additional power to the authorities to conduct electronic surveillance on suspected terrorists in the United States subject to the view of the Congress. Judge Taylor also felt the NSA responsible for violating not the fourth
Shopping Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Shopping Behavior - Essay Example They kept asking one another about the items they prefer to buy, at the same time, they listen to their friends' comments and suggestions. Most teenagers who spent time with friends displayed a unique sense of individuality and self-expression. The girls displayed interest in fashion, food and technologies. They were excited to buy wide variety of products. To name some of these products purchased include: Trendy clothings, bags and accessories; Food like cold beverages, potato chips, soda and ice cream; CDs, video games and multi-media accessories. Despite these buying behaviors, the teens were able to spend significant proportion of the budget they have, yet, they also managed to keep the rest of their money. Participant Observation was employed as the research design for this activity. Undeniably, there was conflict of roles during the period of observation. Observer cannot concentrate entirely on the observation process conducted. The observer acted as if one of the shoppers in the mall and occasionally took the opportunity to examine the subjects' gestures, to hear some of their commentaries and gain insights about the verbal and non-verbal forms of communication manifested by the subjects of the study in order to acquire the true and more clear picture of the teens' behavior.
Walt Disney prospectus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walt Disney prospectus - Essay Example It is important to note that unsecured debt notes issued to public involves significant amount of risk for the company as well as the investors. This is because from the perspective of the customer, the interest rate may be too expensive. As a result, if the company is unable to generate sufficient profits, the companyââ¬â¢s cost of borrowings will eventually exceed the revenues which will further increase financial risk of the company. The company has however kept these issues in mind and taken appropriate measures to minimize the impact of such undesirable consequences that might be followed after issue of unsecured debt by making the offer more attractive to customers. The company believed that if the offer would be attractive then more people will be encouraged to participate which will further ensure successful marketability of these securities. One of the initiatives taken by the company to increase the marketability of the securities was to reduce the entry load for joining the scheme. The minimum number of units required to subscribe by the people in order to join the scheme was reduced to five. In order to make the offer more attractive, the company allowed public to subscribe five units of shares at two hundred and fifty dollars for non-shareholders and they would be allowed to invest as low as fifty dollar per month. The company even kept the option of cash investment open for the investors. The company also lowered enrolment fee at an affordable price of $5-$10 per investor (Reuters, 2012). 2. List the dollar amount of debt Disney proposed to sell to the public. Indicate whether this amount has increased or decreased from 2008 to 2010. Discuss some potential causes of this increase or decrease. Answer: Walt Disney has sold bonds worth three billion dollars at the end of 2012. In the year 2011, the company has sold 5, 10, and 30 years bonds with historically low coupon rates consequently increasing the price of bond in markets (Financial News, 201 1). This was one of the measures taken by the company to control coupon rates which were historically high during 2010. The issue of unsecured notes has experienced a steady decline from the period 2008 to 2010. The declining trend touched the lowest value in 2010 which continued till 2011. From the above discussion it can be said that a number of financial factors influenced the decision regarding decrease in amount of debt sold by the company to public. One of the reasons for such decline was the companyââ¬â¢s decision to offer debt was the offer to lower coupon rates creating an opening for the company to cash in and make profits. The company took advantage of lower interest rates to maximize profits and expected the issue of bond to yield at least $1.5 billion which the company plans to utilize for corporate purpose. 3. Determine the percentage of the sales price Disney nets after discounts and commissions. Indicate whether this amount as decreased or increased from 2008 to 2 010. Discuss some potential causes of this increase or decrease. Answer: Walt Disney has been able to net sufficient percentage of sales price after discounts and commissions on the issue of sale of debt instruments. In the year 2008, the company reported 57% percentage of sales price whereas the percentage declined to 46% for the year 2010. The decrease in the amount of debt issued by the company and the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Gospel of Mark Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gospel of Mark Paper - Essay Example rk was seen as a ââ¬Å"translator or interpreterâ⬠of Peter ââ¬â according to a statement made by a church father called Papias ââ¬â with many commentators trying to identify his work with what ââ¬Å"could only have come from Peterâ⬠(Court, 1990, p.47). On the other hand, as Drane points out, there are ââ¬Å"remarkable similaritiesâ⬠between the first three gospels, aka the synoptic gospels, namely Matthew, Mark and Luke, which contain almost identical accounts of the teachings of Jesus; this comes to mean that they either derived their material from a common source or two of them are based on the third (2001, p. 1-2). Court writes that there has been ââ¬Å"an explosion of a different kind of scholarly interestâ⬠in the Gospel of Mark during the second half of the twentieth century, with a different emphasis on what the writer ââ¬â referred to as ââ¬Å"Markâ⬠ââ¬â himself intended, presenting the materials he had collected in a particular way (1990, p. 47). Moreover, a close examination of the three synoptic gospels indicates that both Matthew and Luke used Markââ¬â¢s gospel as the basis, ââ¬Å"into which they fitted the extra materialâ⬠they deemed it necessary (Drane, 2001, p.3). However, scholars widely agree that the Gospel of Mark is the ââ¬Å"nearest thingâ⬠to a report of Jesusââ¬â¢s life, aiming to communicate a ââ¬Å"picture of Jesus as he wasâ⬠(Drane, 2001, p.6); while the complex themes Mark treats about the person of Jesus, along with the most pervasive and problematic feature ââ¬â the theme of mystery and the hidden identity of Christ ââ¬â actually denote a theological approach in the understanding of Christ (Court, 1990, p.48-49; Moloney, 2002, p.6). Although Markââ¬â¢s gospel tells the facts of Jesusââ¬â¢s life, as stated by Drane, ââ¬Å"in the simplest and most dramatic wayâ⬠, it begins with the declaration of faith (2001, pp.6-7): ââ¬Å"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ (the Son of God)â⬠(Mark 1:1 New American Bible). Moving rapidly from John the Baptist to Jesus
Credit Card Fraud in the UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Credit Card Fraud in the UK - Research Paper Example In 1946, John Bigginsââ¬â¢ introduced the first bank card called ââ¬Å"Charge-Itâ⬠which allowed account holders at Biggins bank located in Brooklyn to purchase. The bill is forwarded to Biggins and Biggins pay the merchant, then charge their account holders in return. In 1951, the same system was also adopted by Franklin National Bank in New York. Both systems worked the same but use was limited locally. Diners Club Card was introduced through the initiative of Frank McNamara and his partner Ralph Schneider. By 1951, there were about 20,000 cardholders of Diners Club (Woolsey and Gerson, 2009). It was estimated that the cost of credit card fraud in the United States amounts to around US$750-830 million in 2006 alone or globally at 7 cents per $100 transaction (Mercator Advisory Group, 2008). In 2007, it has been reported that estimate of losses caused by credit card fraud reached some $52.6 billion. Credit card fraud is the misuse of a credit card through theft or another payment system through the illegal source of funds with the purpose to obtain funds or goods without bearing the payment. Physical cards may be stolen or identity data and other relevant information may have been compromised to allow the commission of credit card fraud. Usually, the legitimate cardholder may not be aware of the fraud, and neither does the institution that issued the card (Levi, Bissell, and Richardson, 1991). The cardholder may only start to become aware of theft or fraud once a billing statement has been received which is not delivered daily or weekly, but usually every month (Levi, Bisse ll, and Richardson, 1991).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Walt Disney prospectus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walt Disney prospectus - Essay Example It is important to note that unsecured debt notes issued to public involves significant amount of risk for the company as well as the investors. This is because from the perspective of the customer, the interest rate may be too expensive. As a result, if the company is unable to generate sufficient profits, the companyââ¬â¢s cost of borrowings will eventually exceed the revenues which will further increase financial risk of the company. The company has however kept these issues in mind and taken appropriate measures to minimize the impact of such undesirable consequences that might be followed after issue of unsecured debt by making the offer more attractive to customers. The company believed that if the offer would be attractive then more people will be encouraged to participate which will further ensure successful marketability of these securities. One of the initiatives taken by the company to increase the marketability of the securities was to reduce the entry load for joining the scheme. The minimum number of units required to subscribe by the people in order to join the scheme was reduced to five. In order to make the offer more attractive, the company allowed public to subscribe five units of shares at two hundred and fifty dollars for non-shareholders and they would be allowed to invest as low as fifty dollar per month. The company even kept the option of cash investment open for the investors. The company also lowered enrolment fee at an affordable price of $5-$10 per investor (Reuters, 2012). 2. List the dollar amount of debt Disney proposed to sell to the public. Indicate whether this amount has increased or decreased from 2008 to 2010. Discuss some potential causes of this increase or decrease. Answer: Walt Disney has sold bonds worth three billion dollars at the end of 2012. In the year 2011, the company has sold 5, 10, and 30 years bonds with historically low coupon rates consequently increasing the price of bond in markets (Financial News, 201 1). This was one of the measures taken by the company to control coupon rates which were historically high during 2010. The issue of unsecured notes has experienced a steady decline from the period 2008 to 2010. The declining trend touched the lowest value in 2010 which continued till 2011. From the above discussion it can be said that a number of financial factors influenced the decision regarding decrease in amount of debt sold by the company to public. One of the reasons for such decline was the companyââ¬â¢s decision to offer debt was the offer to lower coupon rates creating an opening for the company to cash in and make profits. The company took advantage of lower interest rates to maximize profits and expected the issue of bond to yield at least $1.5 billion which the company plans to utilize for corporate purpose. 3. Determine the percentage of the sales price Disney nets after discounts and commissions. Indicate whether this amount as decreased or increased from 2008 to 2 010. Discuss some potential causes of this increase or decrease. Answer: Walt Disney has been able to net sufficient percentage of sales price after discounts and commissions on the issue of sale of debt instruments. In the year 2008, the company reported 57% percentage of sales price whereas the percentage declined to 46% for the year 2010. The decrease in the amount of debt issued by the company and the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Credit Card Fraud in the UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Credit Card Fraud in the UK - Research Paper Example In 1946, John Bigginsââ¬â¢ introduced the first bank card called ââ¬Å"Charge-Itâ⬠which allowed account holders at Biggins bank located in Brooklyn to purchase. The bill is forwarded to Biggins and Biggins pay the merchant, then charge their account holders in return. In 1951, the same system was also adopted by Franklin National Bank in New York. Both systems worked the same but use was limited locally. Diners Club Card was introduced through the initiative of Frank McNamara and his partner Ralph Schneider. By 1951, there were about 20,000 cardholders of Diners Club (Woolsey and Gerson, 2009). It was estimated that the cost of credit card fraud in the United States amounts to around US$750-830 million in 2006 alone or globally at 7 cents per $100 transaction (Mercator Advisory Group, 2008). In 2007, it has been reported that estimate of losses caused by credit card fraud reached some $52.6 billion. Credit card fraud is the misuse of a credit card through theft or another payment system through the illegal source of funds with the purpose to obtain funds or goods without bearing the payment. Physical cards may be stolen or identity data and other relevant information may have been compromised to allow the commission of credit card fraud. Usually, the legitimate cardholder may not be aware of the fraud, and neither does the institution that issued the card (Levi, Bissell, and Richardson, 1991). The cardholder may only start to become aware of theft or fraud once a billing statement has been received which is not delivered daily or weekly, but usually every month (Levi, Bisse ll, and Richardson, 1991).
Sweeney and subsequent death Essay Example for Free
Sweeney and subsequent death Essay This makes the surprise at the end, that she is actually Toddââ¬â¢s wife, less astounding. We have seen so little of her that it really isnââ¬â¢t that important where as in the musical this surprise can elicit gasps. This woman is so changed that Sweeney Todd has interacted with her and not recognized his own wife! The two characters whose stories are closely presented as the musical are Senior Pirelli and Tobias. Pirelliââ¬â¢s barber competition with Sweeney and subsequent death by Sweeney is told in both the musical and movie. He is an important character as his past and killing set up the crucial plot point. Sweeney has killed one of his enemies for the first time and how to get ride of the body? Mrs. Lovettââ¬â¢s pie shop success and yearning for more success, which influences her concealment of Lucy, push forward the story. Tobias is present in both the musical and movie as an assistant to Pirelli and then Mrs. Lovett. Though his importance is not until the very end of the show. It is he who kills Sweeney Todd and ultimately he is blamed for the deaths of Lucy, Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd. While he is present in almost all of the same scenes in the musical and movie is love for Mrs. Lovett is not as developed in the movie as it is in the musical. The musical present Toby as caring deeply for Mrs. Lovett and having a distrust of Sweeney Todd. Toby is seen in the movie but his presence is of little importance. He is there to eventually kill Todd and the majority of his time spent in the bake house was cut completely. These are the characters in the musical and movie of Sweeney Todd. The movie main plot line of both the film and musical is on Sweeney Toddââ¬â¢s story, with Mrs. Lovett being a significant contributor to his story. The musical displays the secondary characters with more story, songs and background. This exposure results in characters that truly influence Sweeny Todd and we care that Anthony and Joanna are the only ones to survive. The audience is reviled at the Judge and his desire to wed Joanna. The audience is not shocked at the beggar womanââ¬â¢s death until we realize she is Toddââ¬â¢s wife because she very insane. The movie is a convenient and less expense way to experience Sweeny Todd but the musical present all of the characters and a wonderful round story that ties up all the loose ends and stresses the importance of each character. References: BBC- Press Office, December 8, 2005, Man or Myth, the Making of Sweeney Todd, BBC. co. uk, accessed April 18, 2008,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Successful Marketing Strategy of Colgate
Successful Marketing Strategy of Colgate To develop a marketing strategy is a vital for any business because it is a procedure in which an organization concentrate its limited resource on the opportunities to increase sales and get the best from it as an advantage . For that one needs to keep in mind that only a customers satisfaction should be a main goal for ones. Marketing strategy should be centered around the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal. In each and every organization whether it is public or private organization, should be able to consider some strategic marketing approach so as to be ensured competitive position in the market place. One of the most marketing aspects of marketing is marketing strategies nowadays because marketing strategy is the term which is generally preferred to promotions. Marketing Strategy is a vital contributor to the satisfaction of the customer needs and wants. (Shimp, 2003) Marketing strategy approach is a way to capture a niche in the consumer market The marketing strategy is a mix consists of five major modules of communication like advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, personal selling, and direct marketing (Neumann Sumser 2002). An identified Sponsor pay Advertising form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services. Sales promotion is a variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service. Public relations and publicity is a variety of programs designed to promote or protect a companys image or its individual products. Personal selling is a face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and procuring orders. Direct marketing is the use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, or Internet to communicate directly with or solicit a direct response from specific customers and prospects (Goldberg Mc Calley, 1992). Introduction Colgate was found in the United States 200 years ago. For the half of the years its business was focused only the. It is marketing its products in more than 200 countries and territories under some internationally recognized brand names as Colgate, Ajax, Palmolive, Softsoap, Some Hills Science diet products. Colgate Palmolive is leading product consumer product company focused on Oral care, Household care, Personal care and many more. Today Colgate-Palmolive is $9 billion Company. Colgate is famous for having a long history of strong relationship with its retail trade partners. This Company delights consumers around there world with a an array of Oral Care, Home Care, Personal Care, and Pet Nutrition products. Small stores around the world are just important to Colgate as large ones. Behind the success of Colgates brands are carefully developed business and marketing strategies. Based on consumer and shopper insights, the Company works closely with local merchandisers and shop owners to offer a relevant assortment of products and merchandising services to get high visibility in each store. .. Overview:- 1806 Colgate was originated with a small business of starch, Soap and candles form Dutch street, New York by William Colgate. 1817 The first Colgate advertisement was appeared in US newspaper. 1820 Colgate establishes a starch factory in New Jersey. 1866-1873 Colgate introduced perfumed soap and toothpaste in jars. 1896 Colgate introduced toothpaste in collapsible tube. 1900 In the world fair of Paris, Colgate won top honors for its products like soaps and perfumes. 1902 Stylish Palmolive Advertisement begins. emphasizing ingredient purity and product benefits . 1906 Colgate Company celebrates its 100thanniversary. Product line includes over 800 different products. 1908 Colgate is incorporated by the five sons of Samuel Colgate. 1911 Colgate distributes two million tubes of toothpaste and toothbrushes to schools, and provides hygienists to demonstrate tooth brushing. 1912 William Mennen introduces the first American shaving cream tube 1914 Colgate established its first international subsidiary in Canada 1920 Colgate establishes in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa. 1928 Colgate merge with Palmolive -Peet and became Colgate- Palmolive- Peet Company. 1930 On March 13, Colgate is first listed on the New York Stock Exchange 1939 Dr. Mark L. Morris develops a pet food to help save a guide dog named Buddy from kidney. 1947 Ajax cleanser is launched, establishing powerful now-global brand equity for cleaning products. 1953 Colgate -Palmolive company becomes an official name for the company. 1956 Colgate opens research center in Piscataway, NJ. Fabric conditioner is launched in France as Soupline. Today, fabric conditioners are sold in over 54 countries around the world. 1966 Palmolive dishwashing liquid is introduced and today it is sold in over 35 countries. 1968 Colgate toothpaste adds MFP Fluoride, clinically proven to reduce cavities. 1970 Irish Spring launches in Germany as Irische Frà ¼hling and in Europe as Nordic Spring. In1972, Irish Spring is introduced in North America. 1972 Colgate acquires Hoyt Laboratories, which later becomes Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals. 1975 Caprice hair care launches in Mexico. Today, hair care products are sold in over 70 countries, with variants to suit every type of hair need. 1976 Colgate-Palmolive acquires Hills Pet Nutrition. Today Hills is the global leader in pet nutrition and veterinary recommendations. 1983 Colgate Plus toothbrush is introduced. Today over 1.6 billion Colgate toothbrushes are sold annually worldwide. If you lined them up end to end, they would circle the globe 16 times. 1985 Protex bar soap is introduced, and today offers all-family antibacterial protection in over 56 countries. Colgate-Palmolive enters into a joint venture with Hong Kong-based Hawley Hazel, a leading oral care company, which adds strength in key Asian markets. 1986 The Chairmans You Can Make A Difference Program is launched, recognizing innovation and exceptional excellence by Colgate people. 1987 Colgate acquires Soft-soap liquid soap business from the Minnetonka Corporation. Today, Colgate is the global leader in liquid handà soap. 1989 Annual company sale surpassed the $ 5 million mark. 2006 Colgate purchased Toms of maine and entered fast growing naturals segment. Today Colgate with sales Surpasses $ 15 million, focuses on all Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care, Pet Nutrition. Situational Analysis (SWOT ) Situation Analysis Internal Analysisà à à à à à External Analysis Strengthsà à Weaknesses Threats Opportunitiesà SWOT Analysis is a simple framework for generating strategic alternatives from a situational analysis. The Swot analysis classifies the internal aspects of the company as strengths or weaknesses and the external situational factors as opportunities and threats. Strength can serve as a foundation for building a competitive advantage and weaknesses may hinder it. SWOT Analysis of Colgate -Palmolive:- Strengths:- Brand image is very strong Cash flow-to-sales is free In America market share is approximately half of 100%, It is going very strong in Asia and Europe. Weaknesses:- All Products are recalled It is highly leverages Very low innovation or a follower Opportunities To grow globally oral hygiene market Increasing Spanish people in the US To grow in India, Asian market by tapping personal care. Threats The label growth is private Commodity prices are increasing. A large number of competitors are increasing. Differential advantage / Competitive edge (USP) Strategy USP (Unique Selling Proposition) developed by Rosser Reeves, the advertising heart of New York, Madison Avenue. One of the companies being regarded and honored as one of the global producer of various products especially for personal hygiene is the Colgate-Palmolive With a view to promoting their oral products to their target market, the company has been able to use various marketing strategies approaches. In line with above the line promotions, the company uses television, radio and newspaper advertisements and many more. In addition, the company also promotes their products in famous magazines and internet banner ads as well. It can also be said that Colgate-Palmolive also uses via-the-line promotion approach. This is done by considering a via the line communication approach. The company does this by hiring an advertising agency which helps them to make a better advertising campaign for their products. It can be said that or In a general sense, advertising is being utilized to be able to impart to the consumers the availability of a particular product or service. Colgate-Palmolive pursued a multipronged marketing strategy to support the introduction of Irish Springs reformulated bar and liquid soap. In order to introduce a wide audience to its new image and latest product offerings, Colgate-Palmolive aired television commercials for both products and ran print ads in a variety of magazines. Furthermore, the company especially concentrated on free-standing inserts and product sampling to convince consumers to try the updated Irish Spring. Coupons were an essential aspect of the relaunch of Irish Spring bar soap. In order to make these coupon ads eye-catching, the company included a four-leaf clover shape that could be scratched off-like a lottery ticket-to reveal a savings amount applicable to the product. Appelbaum, Cara, Colgate Tests Its First Deodorant, Irish Spring,à Brandweek,à April 1, 1991. Segmentation Targeting and Positioning (STP) 1) Market Segmentation: The process in which the market is divided distinct subsets of consumers with common needs and selecting many different segments to target with a distinct marketing strategy Levels of market segmentation: à 1. Mass Marketing: provides the same product to all consumers like Salt. à 2. Segment marketing: provides different products to many segments. à 3. Niche Marketing: provides many unique different products but to sub segments à 4. Micro-Marketing: it provides product for individual choices. For example, the are different types of shampoo , Colgate is manufacturing including for flat hair , shampoo and conditioner,, dry hair , color treated hair, etc. It shows us that they are implementing segmented marketing concept. 2) Market Targeting:- It is a group of customers that the businessà has decided to aim its marketingà efforts and ultimately its merchandise. Geographic:- It depends on region, population, factor, urban conditions etc. On this basis for example, Colgate introduces a sun screen ingredients which protect from sun rays. Demographic:- It comprise age, gender, income , life cycle of family and education. For example young people do not go for hair color treatment. Psychographic:- it depends on persons thinking and what are the Personality characteristic of him. It is a difficult marketing segmentation to implement because sometimes market may not aware of there life style of there people. à Behavioral:- It consists two things a) The benefits desired from the product. b)The rate at which customer is using product. It can be applied on Colgate, the benefits from there toothpaste product are no plaque, no cavities, fresh breath, very low price , good quality and white teeth. 3) Market Positioning:- It means the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for itsà product,à brand, or organization. The Colgate people have tried to sustain themselves through tough competition and hard work. Media and advertisement are also responsible to create an image of the Company in the eyes of its customers and competitors. Marketing Objectives and Goals:- SMART Objectives:- The purposes of SMART objectives include: To enable a company toà controlà its marketing plan. To help to motivate individuals and teams to reach a common goal. To provide an agreed, consistent focus for all functions of an organization. A simple acronym used to set objectives is calledà SMART objectives.à SMART stands for: SMART Goals:- As far as the strategic plan is concerned, the shold be a both kinds of goals like short-term and long term goals. Detailed production, financial and marketing plans usually back these both types of goals. Figure 1.à Elements of a strategic plan Short-term goals Figure 2.à SMART characteristic of effective goals and their work 4 Ps of Marketing 4-P of Marketingà (Borden, 1953) is the fundamental base in the Marketing studies. It can be compared to the Einsteins theory of relativity in Quantum Mechanics. 4 P of marketing is often called as Marketing Mix, because it has the right marketing recipe to successfully launch a product. 4 P of marketing stands for: Product:à Product is any tangible object or any service (intangible) that is manufactured or created to satisfy the consumer needs. It has to have the product variation and the differentiation for different markets. Also the products must be reviewed time to time for its obsolesce and must be discarded with the view of market needs known as product elimination. Similarly, with growing market needs and evolving consumer tastes, companies must innovate their products (Kotler Armstrong, 2010). Price: Price is the amount of money that is paid by the customer to seller which varies on different distribution channel (Kotler Armstrong, 2010). Several factors have impact while determining the price of the product or service, which are an organizations market share, the number and strategy of the competitors, the raw material costs and most importantly the perception of the product value in the eyes of the customer. There are various pricing methods used by Organizations currently Cost recovery Pricing:à Cost recovery pricing Is the pricing method followed by marketers such that they recover the cost of the product and put a small profit margin on it to finalize the pricing of the product. For example some firm incurred the cost of $100 per product they would like to have a profit of $20, then the pricing will be $120. Penetration Pricing:-à Penetration Pricing is the pricing method, in which the price is decreased abruptly so to penetrate the market and achieve greater market share. Company with deep pockets when entering a new market often practices this pricing, at times the price may be lower than the cost of the product. The profitability can be achieved later due to monopolistic situation or by cross selling their other products (Kotler, 2003). Price skimming:à Price skimming is the pricing policy adopted by the organization so that they first launch the new product at very high price so that early adopters can buy the product and then they subsequently decrease the price to get late bloomers buying the product. This pricing is practiced mostly by technology firms and is observed with the launch of new products. Place: à Place represents the location where a consumer can buy the product. It can be a physical store where the consumer can visit or can be a virtual store like a website on internet .It is often referred as distribution channel as it actually is the channel through which the product is received by the consumer (Kotler Armstrong, 2010). A place can be utilized for direct as well as indirect selling. And the place can often take the shape of e-commerce altogether. Promotion:à Promotion is a communication means adopted by the marketer to communicate about the product, brand or organization to the consumers. Promotion has following four distinct elements. Advertising, personal Selling, Public relations and Sales Promotion, which can be used as such or can be used in combination to promote the product (Pride Ferrell, 1983). Conclusion: In Conclusion, Colgate Company is a typical market oriented company, operating in more than 200 countries. They are providing many new employee oriented programs both for senior level and entry level people. They are aware of their social and ethical responsibilities. They are managing the consumer and business market in an effective manner. They face their competitors and feel proud to take it as a challenge. They feel pride in making their customers happy. They know how to conduct their business in international communities. They maintain levels of the CRM at the company to ensure good customer support. The way they have proved themselves in consumer, business and international markets, they still have a high aim to attain more and more. Bibliography (with references):- Armstrong G, Kotler P (2010), Marketing: An Introduction. 10th end New Jersey. Appelbaum, Cara, Colgate Tests Its First Deodorant, Irish Spring,à Brandweek,à April 1, 1991. Goldberg Mc Calley, 1992 Houghton Mifflin ,John Wiley. (Kotler, 2003), Kotler P (2003) Kotler Armstrong, 2010 Neumann Sumser ,2002 Prentice Hall Pride W M, Ferrell O.C (1983) Marketing: Basic Concepts and Decisions. Texas. Shimp, 2003 Schultz D E, Tannenbaum S, Lauterborn R (1992) Integrated Marketing Communications. Illinois. NTC Publishing url= url= url= url= url= url= url= .
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Essays -- Humanities
Discuss the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment along with the subsequent reaction as embodied by the Romantic movement. Give specific examples of how these movements affected the arts. What was their eventual impact on the western intellectual world. The Scientific revolution and The Enlightenment period overlapped by a hundred years and were co-occurring between 1650-1750. The Scientific Revolution happening first and beginning around 1600, was a period of time when new ideas and tools were created and used to experiment with the physical world, occurring between 1600-1750. New methods increased learning capacities across the board and toward what was thought of as ââ¬Å"human perfectibilityâ⬠, old ideas were put through a new test of empirical reasoning. Galileo Galilei made advances in astronomy by advancing the design of already existing telescopes by add a 30 power magnification, as a result he received major opposition from the Roman Catholic church (Landmarks 295). During this time Francis Bacon also made a plea for separation between science and religion in his 1620 writing ââ¬Å"Novum Organumâ⬠. The Enlightenment period, which was fueled by the Scientific revolution was also called the Age of Reason. The time period was between 1650 and 1800, lasting half a century past the Scientific Revolution. Both eras were based on fact, knowledge and reason as opposed to religion, much like the ancient Greco-Roman advancement. The enlightenment saw the formation of social sciences: anthropology, sociology, economics, and political science ââ¬âall devoted to the study of humankind and the guarantee of higher and more enlightened social order and achievements (Landmarks 297). During this period philosophers continued to fiercely de... ... was missing from the Enlightenment. The overall reaction to the Enlightenment tossed out social ills and accepted the Scientific revolution for what it was but left it slow to progress until the 20th century which brought about advanced in digital information. The impact of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment on the western world caused philosophers, scholars, and free thinkers to speculate if reason could solve poverty, war, and ignorance. New ways of thinking and reasoning, like the empirical method led to new ideas about government, religion, education, and economics. Works cited Baldasso, Renzo. "The Role of Visual Representation in the Scientiï ¬ c Revolution: A Historiographic Inquiry." Print. Fiero, Gloria K. Landmarks in Humanities. 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009. Print.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Terraforming Mars Project Terraform Mars is a difficult task that us as humans are trying to accomplish to fulfill the entirety of our speeches . There is a number of ways to achieve this task , but there are many questions that we do not have answers for. This paper will present my idea for how we could terraform Mars to successfully elongate the human speeches . According to Thefreedictionary. com terraforming is defined as transforming another planet into one having the same characteristics of landscape as earth. The terraforming process could take anywhere from 100 years to 20,000 thousand years to complete entirely, due to the tedious process of making Mars suitable for human life. I believe that it will take nearly 1,000 years to complete entirely my process of terraforming mars. What makes it so difficult to get to Mars is one the launch window time, which mean when Earth and Mars are nearest to each other. The time that we know of so far for the next launch windows is 2013 November -2014 January,2016 January- April , and 2018 April -May,2020 July - September according to wikipedia. This is why it is so difficult to get to Mars, there are only certain times that you can launch and it be such a short flight. This is one of the many reason that I believe that it will take 1,000 years to terraform Mars. As we arrive to Mars there are some resources already there, such as water and atmospheric 02. But the difficult part about these resources is that we have to transform them in a certain way so it can be used for humans. We would have to extract the water from the rich soil using a tool, therefore this would be our water source. We would also have to bring some sort of greenhouse so we could grow plants and give off mor... ... Viking 2 was also a orbiter and a lander that reached Mars August 1976, both were very successful and sent back many of images.The Pathfinder orbiter reached Mars July 1997 and lasted for total of 3 months, its major discoveries were measuring the atmosphere of Mars.The Sojourner was the brother of the Pathfinder but it was a rover. It reached Mars July 1997 , and had many discoveries of investigating of Mars soil and rocks. The Spirit lander landed on Mars in January 2004 using its air bag system. It was the longest successful rover as of yet lasting about 6 years . Opportunity rover is the sister to Spirit, which landed January 2004 and lasted for around 4 years, its main mission was to explore the Martian environment. Phoenix reached Mars on May 2008 near the north pole, and analyzed the soil receiving images and data, and with the major discovery of water ice.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Competition Bikes Inc. Storyline Essay
To: Vice President The following is a summary report to recommend whether Competition Bikes should change its traditional costing method to activity based costing, and an analysis of the breakeven point with regards to sales units and dollars for both CarbonLite and Titanium bikes. It also discusses the impacts to the breakeven point. The cost-volume-profit evaluation and the traditional vs activity based costing method overhead analysis were used for the review and analysis. Traditional Based Costing vs Activity Based Costing Traditional Based Costing Method (TBC). TBC uses one rate, the overall cost of production, to estimate costs based on the revenue production created. Unlike ABC, manufacturing costs in TBC are only assigned to sold merchandises and do not account for nonmanufacturing costs such as administrative costs. This method is general not as accurate as ABC as it does not account for costs specifics to the level of products. For Competition Bikes, the company can see its manufacturing overhead is $239,020 for the Titanium bikes, and $232,380 for the CarbonLite bikes for a total of $471,400 in overhead costs. This means the unit cost for each is $713 for Titanium bikes, and $1359 for the CarbonLite bikes. Activity Based Costing Method (ABC). ABC determines and allocates cost by activities a company executes. This generally happens in four steps: identify each activity and its associated costs, both total and indirect; estimated cost driver and quantity; allocation computation; and cost allocation to the respective activity. ABC refines the way indirect costs are allocated to production and focuses on the costs of each individual activity. Costs are also further assigned to each product within the activities and each activity has its own cost driver. Because of theà specificity, active based costing provides a more accurate picture of the true costs. Direct material (DM), and direct labor (DL) are the same for each bike in using TBC or ABC. However, in using ABC, the company can break out the manufacturing overhead into factory setups, quality control, engineering services, product movements, utilities and services, and depreciation. The total for each bike using the ABC method is $590,715 for Titanium bikes, and $729,985 for CarbonLite bikes. Although the total is still the same $471,400 in overhead costs, the ABC method allows Competition Bikes to see that the Titanium bikes depreciate much faster than the CarbonLite and that it takes more utilities and services to make those bikes. Factory setups and quality control are much higher for CarbonLite bikes than those for Titanium ones. Per unit, the Titanium Bikes cost $656 each and the CarbonLite bikes cost $1460. Recommendation. It is recommended to use ABC to determine true costs associated with activities and products. This will give the company more knowledge of its finances and spending and in return by seeing a clearer picture of costs, make better decisions on funding and budget, and gain cost savings. Activity based management in Competition Bikes can use ABC to make decisions that increase profits while still meeting customer needs. Understanding where costs are going will help Competition Bikes to remove unnecessary costs and set fair price for the products. Overpricing products causes a lost in market sharing while underpricing products diminishes revenue. Better prices for consumers means more business for the company. With activity based costing, Competition Bikes will be able to determine the optimum sales units required with the sales mix of 9 Titanium bicycles produced for every 5 CarbonLite bicycles that will produce the bikes at San Diego at breakeven. The company will also be able to reevaluate activities on a regular basis to reduce future costs as well. Evaluating activities and setting sales prices are part of value engineering. Currently the company thinks it costs $1359 to make a CarbonLite bike and have set the selling price accordingly. In reality, the bikes cost $1460 to make. With a $101 difference, the company may want to adjust their selling price in future months. Using ABC also allows the company to use the Just in Time (JIT) system. This system allows ensures materials are purchased just in time to produce the products, and products are completed just in time for delivery. JIT uses the demand-pull system to receive the order, schedule production, delivered materials, and finished product delivered to the customer. This lessens the amount of excess parts and inventory saving the company money as well. Breakeven Point This analysis will evaluate the breakeven point for Competition Bikes Inc. Sales units and sales dollars will be identified for the breakeven point. These sales units and dollars will be broken down between CarbonLite and Titanium bikes. The breakeven point is used my companies to prevent loss. The Cost Volume Profit (CVP) is the tool in which to capture the breakeven point. Sometimes it is referred to as the breakeven analysis. The CVP assists the company in identifying future operation need, production costs, and expansion possibilities based on estimating costs, prices, and volumes. This profit response can help Competition Bikes determine the amount of needed sales, what products to manufacture, pricing policies, marketing strategies, and how much profit is actually needed. In this analysis we will assume that the fixed and variable costs remain constant, and that the number of units produced equals the number of units the company sells. CVP is defined by the equation Total Revenues ââ¬â Total Costs = Profit. The breakeven point is the point in which the CVP equals zero or, Revenues ââ¬â Expenses = 0. Meaning, the revenues cover all the costs, fixed and variable. Therefore, the CVP can be further broken down into Total Revenue ââ¬â Total Fixed Costs ââ¬â Total Variable Costs = Total Profit. The contribution margin is then identified by Total Revenue ââ¬â Total Variable Costs (leaving out the fixed costs). Contribution Margin is important to identify the differences in each productââ¬â¢s profits. For Competition Bikes, the contribution margin for the Titanium bikes is $900-$679=$221. Theà CarbonLite Bikes yield $1495-$1384=$111 each. Using the 450 Titanium bikes and 250 CarbonLite bikes sold, the total combined contribution margin for Competition Bikes is $127,000. Thatââ¬â¢s broken down like this: Titanium Bikes contribution margin of $221 per unit, 450 units equals $221*450, or $99,450. CarbonLite bikes contribution margin of $111 per unit, 250 units equals $27,750. Contribution margins $99,450 + $27,750 = $127,200 Total Contribution Margin. To determine the profits in more detail, we use the equation (Selling Price (per unit) * Quantity Sold) ââ¬â (Variable Costs (per unit) * Quantity Sold) ââ¬â Fixed Expenses = Breakeven Point (Zero). The fixed costs are the units sold * the weighted average contribution margin. The weighted average contribution margin is used to find the breakeven point and is essentially the average of contribution margin amounts per unit. The equation is Total Contribution Margin / Total Quantity Sold. For Competition Bikes, our combined weighted average contribution is $181.71. Thatââ¬â¢s $127,200/ 700 units sold (450 Titanium and 250 CarbonLite bikes) = $181.71. To establish the breakeven point, we also need to know the combined revenue and costs as well. So we calculate total revenue as the following. Titanium bikes are $900 each and 400 units sold, equals $405,000. The CarbonLite bikes are $1495 each and 250 sold which equals $373,750. Combine the $405,000 + $373,750 = $778,750 Total Combined Revenue. The variable costs for each are Titanium bikes: $679 in costs, 450 sold, which equals $305,550 or $679*450 = $305,550. CarbonLite bikes: $1384 in costs, 250 sold, which equals $346,000, or $1384*250= $346,000. The two together, $305,550 + $346,000 = $651,550 Total Combined Variable Costs. The total combined margin can also be calculated by taking $778,750 subtracting the $651,550 and it equals the same $127,200 Total Combined Margin we calculated earlier. We use this as a check and balance system here. To determine the breakeven units, we look at the fixed costs and weighted average contribution margin discussed earlier. The fixed cost for the company is $400,000. Divided by the weighted average contribution marginà 181.71, we get the breakeven units for the product sales mix of 2201. The contribution margin ratio is the percentage of contribution margin to revenue. To find the contribution margin ratio, we divide the total combined margin by the total revenue. This tells us by how much the price per unit exceeds the variable cost per unit. In this scenario, Total Combined Margin $127,000 divided by Total Revenue $778,750 which is .163, or $127,000 / $778,750 = .163 Contribution Margin Ratio. Since the bikes are not equal, we must calculate a product mix in addition to the weighted average. Using the weighted average, we can calculate the breakeven point in a proportionate way using sales units and sales dollars. For sales units, we take the breakeven units for the product sales mix and multiply it by the ratio of units sold divided by the total number of unit sold. So for Titanium, the sales units at the breakeven point is [450 / 700] * 2201, or 1415 units. For CarbonLite, [250 / 700] * 2201 = 786 units. To calculate the sales dollars, we multiply the sales units by the sales price. In this instance, Titanium is 1415 units multiplied by $900 cost for each unit or, 1415 * $900 = $1,276,500. CarbonLite is 786 units multiplied by $1495 price for each unit, or 786 * $1495 = $1,175,070. The combined total sales dollars is $2,451,570 To break even, the profit must be zero. Gains and losses are equal. For Competition Bikes, the breakeven point is 1415, or $1,276,500 in Titanium bikes, and 786 CarbonLite bikes, or $1,175,070. Impacts of the Breakeven Point A2b. Based on an evaluation of cost-volume-profit, Prepare a summary report that describes the impacts to the breakeven point if company management needed to increase the cost of direct materials by 10% cost increase and needed to add $50,000 in fixed costs to the production facility. Company management has asked for a report on the impacts of increasing theà cost of direct materials by 10% and fixed costs by $50,000 in relation to the breakeven point. The contribution margin and weighted average are based in part on direct materials, or variable costs. Raising the costs by 10% is significant and will have a great impact on the company. Total Revenue is $778,750 and variable costs now $681,800. This increase is broken down by variable cost per unit to $709 for Titanium bikes, and $1551 for CarbonLite. The Contribution Margin per unit is now 191 and 44 respectively lowering the total combined contribution margin to $96,950. CarbonLite bikes contribution margin decreased from $111 to $44 per unit, over a 60% decrease. Calculated by dividing the Total Combined Contribution Margin $96,950 by the Total Units of 700, the 138.50 weighted average contribution margin per unit also dropped by 24% from 181.71. This shows how significant a 10% can be to the contribution margin. Ten percent in one area can mean much larger impact in other areas. With an increase in fixed costs to $450,000 that now brings the breakeven units for the product sales mix to 3249. We calculate this by $450,000 fixed costs divided by the lower weighed average contribution margin 138.50. This continues to affect numbers as we calculate sales units and sales dollars. Titanium bikes sales units are 450 units divided by 700 total units, multiplied by the weighted average 3249 for 2089 units. CarbonLite bike sales units are 250 units divided by the 700 total units, multiplied by the weighted average 3249, totaling 1160 sales. Sales dollars are calculated as Titanium bikes 2089 units * $900 = $1,880,100 and CarbonLite bikes as 1160 units * $1495 = $1,734,200 for a total $3,614,300. The breakeven point is now increased. Sales for Titanium bikes is now up to 2089 units, or $1,880,100 and CarbonLite bikes up to 1160 units, or $1,734,200. By raising direct costs 10% and fixed costs 13%, Competition Bikes now has to sell 674 more Titanium bikes, and 374 CarbonLite bikes to break even. Thatââ¬â¢s a 48% increase. Based on this analysis, it would be in Competition Bikes best interest to try to keep costs low. Variable and fixed costs show that a small increase can significantly impact the companyââ¬â¢s breakeven point. Variable costs have a higher impact than fixed costs. Direct costs per unit should be specifically addressed in reducing costs as well as increasing sales.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cslrm Computerized Cashiering System
INTRODUCTION : INTRODUCTION Deals in all the requirements needed for managing the library. Process of maintaining data about books, transactions such as issue and return. The user need not visit the library every time to find an item; instead, he/she can search items from his/her own PC/laptop Slide 3: Transaction taking place in the library Study Objective : Study Objective Changing the present library management system of Shoolini University to Online LiMS. To reach the objective of efficient learning and studying in the University. To keep online record of the transactions and utilize human resources in an efficient and matured way.System Study : System Study Present Library System : Present Library System The library is managed by the librarian accompanied with 4 to 5 membersââ¬â¢ staff. Library cards to the students as well as the teacher. Issue of the book done by the staff member of the library through the library card. Record of the transactions of books is maintained in w ritten and kept with the librarian. Drawbacks of present system : Drawbacks of present system Provides the facility of books only during the working hours of the University. The record keeping can create problems while maintaining.Record of the receipt of the new books is kept in written which can create problem in handling it. Workload to the staff members and no use of human resources. Proposed SystEm(eLibrary) : Proposed SystEm(eLibrary) A person should be able to: login to the system through the first page of the application. see the status of the books/journals borrowed/reserved. search for a particular book/journal. cancel the reservation made earlier for a particular book/journal Automatic mails should be sent to the users about the expiry of due dates for the books/journals borrowed by them.Login of the member : Issue of the books : Return of the books : Advantages of the Online LiMS : Advantages of the Online LiMS A 24-hour library management. Students according to their ne eds get the books issued and in case they are unable to return the book, they can immediately extend the date of return. Maintenance of the books becomes easy for the staff. The transactions are maintained online. Students as well as teachers can search for any book, magazine, Journal, member etc. Overview of the system : Overview of the system Must be introduced with :Must be introduced with Logon Capabilities: The system shall provide the users with logon capabilities. Mobile Devices The Online Library System is also supported on mobile devices such as cell phones. Alerts The system can alert the Librarian or the administrator in case of any problems. METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES USED : METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES USED Various methods used for making the project are: Microsoft Office Word : ââ¬â For report making Microsoft Office PowerPoint : ââ¬â For making the presentation Internet Explorer : ââ¬â For gathering information Questionnaires I.For Teachers II. For Students The main aim of the project is the management of the database of the pharmaceutical shop. This is done by creating a database of the available medicines in the shop. The database is then connected to the main program by using interconnection of the Visual Basic program and the database already created. This program can be used in any pharmaceutical shops having a database to maintain. The software used can generate reports, as per the user's requirements. The software can print invoices, bills, receipts etc.It can also maintain the record of supplies sent in by the supplier CASHIERING AND STUDENT ACCOUNT SYSTEM Colegio de San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila is currently using a manual way of recording, computing and storing the accounts of the students. The basic information of the student which includes the name, address course and year is written in the green form as well as the subjects that the students is going to enroll and the total assessment for the tuition fees. The cashier will copy t he name of the student, the course and year and the current school year and the total assessment and the initial payment to the index card.Before the student can take the examinations, the student needs to acquire examination permit from the cashier. To acquire examination permit, the student will have to pay his/her tuition fee every grading period. Paying the tuition fee is a burden both the students and the cashier due to the current manual system. The cashier will have to look the index card where the account of the student is written. Since it written in the index card, it takes lots of take to get the record of a particular student.Once the cashier found the index card, the cashier will write the payment received from the students to update the account. This is done using a calculator. Using manual computation sometimes causes an error. At the end of the day, the cashier will have to make a list and summary of the total collection of tuition fees. This is another difficult tas k to handle using manual system especially if there as lots of transactions that needs to be summarized. The summary of the collection will be submitted to the admin for verification.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Constraint-Driven Innovation Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Constraint-Driven Innovation - Article Example 20). The authorââ¬â¢s research team is aggressively looking for matching and constrain-driven inventions in fields like prosthetics and irrigation. The difference between a serial and a parallel process is the number of tasks taking place. A serial process entails carrying out a single task at a time while a parallel process entails carrying out a myriad of tasks simultaneously (Feldmann, 2006, p. 225). In a parallel process, the time taken to locate the target does not rely on the number of tasks taking place. If one distinguishes the tasks through one feature, the innovative part of the process ââ¬Å"pops out.â⬠It is worth mentioning that distinguishing does not work for all feature kinds. Some tasks are preferably efficient through parallel processing even though the similarity of distractors towards the objective of the tasks may be relative (Feldmann, 2006, p. 225). For example, the time taken to look for a red dot in the middle of 20 black dots will not be any slower than when there are five dots in total. This is because one primarily processes all dots at the same time. On the other hand, a serial process entails inspecting one item or task at a time. For example, the time taken to look for the letter ââ¬Å"iâ⬠in the midst of 20-letter ââ¬Å"jâ⬠s will most certainly be longer than in the midst of 5-letter ââ¬Å"jâ⬠s. As a result, this increase in time is linear. In other terms, one distractor may take one second to locate it; two distractors may take two seconds, and so forth. One usually affiliates serial processes with two features since one has time to discard incomplete matches (Feldmann, 2006, p. 225). For example, when in search of a red square in the midst of red and black circles, one clearly does not search for black circles. Instead, one might need to look for red circles while discarding shapes and colors that do not match the target, which is a red
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Cyclical Fluctuations in Aggregate Economic Activity in the United Essay
Cyclical Fluctuations in Aggregate Economic Activity in the United States - Essay Example ailed as father of modern economics and as the most influential economist of the 20th century explains that a normal circular flow of money will be achieved if people have cash on their hands. He further states that peopleââ¬â¢s? refusal to spend and resorts to money hoarding creates a liquidity trap which leads to recession and depression. As such, the government has to spend money or to ââ¬Å"pump primeâ⬠to regulate once more the circular flow of money. Karl Marx, explained that the cycle of boom and bust is inherent to capitalist system. He provided a comprehensive critique of the capitalist system. He explained the cycle of boom and bust as a logical consequence of laws governing capitalism (Law of Surplus Value, Law of Tendency of Rate of profit to Fall, Law of Correspondence of the production in Relation to the productive Forces, Law of Accumulation and Law of Competition) (Dickhut). However, in contrast to the above economist, Marx major contribution lies in concludi ng that capitalism is deemed towards doomsdays. He theorized socialism as an alternative economic system not just to remedy the impact on the lives of the working class and the nation in general on the devastating effect of the boom and bust cycle but to radically eradicate it and its consequences of unemployment, inflation, recession and depression. III.Critical Analysis Great Depression The Great Depression of 1930ââ¬â¢?s ? is widely considered by economist as a bust period. The US stock market declined by 89% (Ferguson).From August of 1929 to March 1933,the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) of US declined by 33%.Unemployment rose from 5 million in 1930 to 13 million in 1932.People are lining for food and are moving from one place to another as they could not afford rents. Children ages 10-18 are already... This essay provides a critical analysis of the reasons behind Great Depression of 1929-1933 and recent Great Recession, that followed the Financial crisis of 2008. Major roots of the Financial crisis are identified in the essay, monetary and fiscal policies of the US governing bodies are also assessed. Cyclical fluctuations in aggregate economic activity are now accepted as quite part of economic life with politicians describing such crisis as a necessary pain every so often. The reality of economic growth, recession and recovery is a classic manifestation of the capitalist cycle of boom and bust. The Great Depression of 1930ââ¬â¢s is widely considered by economist as a bust period. The US stock market declined by 89% . Unemployment rose from 5 million in 1930 to 13 million in 1932. The US economy was able to bounce back from depression with then President Roosevelt policy of bank holiday and gave authority to Federal Reserve to provide loans to its non members. In 2008-2009, US experienced 4 quarters of economic contraction, the worst recession after the Great Depression. Unemployment is up by 14.9 million and 300,000 homeowners are losing their property every month on foreclosure after the NBER declares that recession is over in June The US has employed Keynesian theory- boosting its aggregate demand to save its economy from further collapse. The giant corporations have been bailed out by taxpayerââ¬â¢ money, while the value of home real estate has yet to rise up. This kind of solution is artificially boosting the economy.
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